
Book your Frankston experience with us...

Travel arrangements and prices detailed on discoverfrankston.com are provided and coordinated by the Frankston Visitor Information Centre. The Frankston Visitor Information Centre has taken due care and responsibility to verify and check all information on discoverfrankston.com as at the time of compilation. However, as the relevant event and tour operators on this website supply this information, it accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy or misdescription contained within this website or information as so supplied.
Sales of services as contained on this website are made by Frankston Visitor Information Centre, only as an agent for the person, business or company providing the services. Frankston Visitor Information Centre does not accept responsibility for any changes in price variation of services shown. All services and prices are subject to change without notice.
All maps, photographs, illustrations and computer-based graphics are included for general purposes only and are not always indicative of the subject matter.  Maps may not be to scale.
Validity of Rates
All prices listed on this website are in Australian Dollars (AUD$).
Prices are inclusive of the Australian Goods and Services Tax.
Cancellation Policy
Whilst we provide a Booking Service, cancellations of confirmed bookings (where payment has been made) will attract a AUD$22.00 (inc. GST) administration fee. This is in addition to the Cancellation Fee of the Service Provider/Operator/Supplier. We reserve the right to offer alternative event and tour of a similar standard in the case of the event/tour operator overbooking their event and tour or for any reason beyond our control.
These operators reserve the right to alter itineraries at any time as a result of fire, flood, extreme weather conditions or any other circumstance beyond their control.
BookEasy™ Secure Payment Gateway is provided using SecurePay SecureBill Product. SecureBill uses high security levels, which are standard for Internet banking and large scale e-commerce sites and involve the use of 128-bit encryption. You can check the security level of a web page by clicking on your Internet browser's padlock or key icon. Encryption is the standard way of protecting your information as it is transmitted between you and SecurePay. This involves converting the information into an unreadable code using a "key" (and also decoding it using this "key"). The longer the key, the more difficult it is for others to break the encrypted codes.