

Arts and Culture Frankston



Artist Bio

Russell Fenn, better known as Sofles, is an Australian graffiti artist originating from Brisbane. Self-taught, he has been honing his skills for over 20 years, exploring various mediums such as spraypaint, acrylic, drawing and brush painting, as well as digital and illustration works. Sofles’ large scale murals have taken him around the world ten times over and now grace many of the world’s largest cities, including Berlin, Copenhagen, Oslo, Las Vegas, and LA.

Sofles has a clear goal with his art; he aims to create strong images that evoke emotions in people. “I believe art should be an important part of the city landscape. I want to create public art for people to enjoy, to transform spaces”, he says. Drawing inspiration from nature, society, graffiti and traditional art, his work focuses on the ideas of time, dimensions, and an abstract mix of past experiences.

Many have been in awe whilst watching Sofles create artworks in real time. His preferred way to paint is to do so freely, with no sketch or preprepared plan. When one sees his vision transform from his mind to the wall or canvas, it is clear that he has an incredible imagination and expert skills and technique with his “tools”, be it a spray can, a brush or digital stylus. He explains, “Some graffiti pieces are painted with scrap paint and no plan. Others are large-scale, thoroughly planned artworks. My favourite process is to create large and detailed artworks in a free and unrestricted manor.”

Big Picture Fest 2023
Beach Street/Evelyn Street, Bayside Centre, Frankston.
You can see this piece on a Street Art Walking Tour: Street Art Walking Tours (discoverfrankston.com)

Photography by Steve Brown. 


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murals street art

Map & Directions

15 Beach Street Frankston VIC 3199